Seminar: What is Life? The Future of Biology, June 11, 2015

11 June 15:00 - 11 June 16:00

The What is Life-seminar series is inspired by the seminal book What is life? by Erwin Schrödinger, published 60 years ago. In this seminar series this question is addressed again, in view of the impressive development since then.

Title: Parental regulation of the Epigenome:Mechanisms for Transgenerational TransmissionSpeaker: Michael Meaney, McGill University, Montreal, CanadaVenue: Jacob Berzelius (Adam) lecture hall, Berzelius väg 3, KI SolnaHost: Hugo Lagercrantz

Leading scientists with an overview perspective are invited to discuss the challenges that meet us today in biology, as a result of the —omics era, the availability of large amounts of data as a result of high through-put techniques, and the possibilities provided by mathematics, simulation theory an computational biology.

The seminars are open to everyone studying or working in the field of life science and is free of charge.

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