Strategic Innovation Areas (SIO) National Diseases - SWElife

25 February 11:30 - 25 February 13:00
Welcome to an information meeting about Strategic Innovation Areas (SIO) national diseases - SWElife.
For researchers within national diseases* Stockholm University hosts an information meeting about how to apply for VINNOVA funding through their call SIO National Diseases. SIO National Diseases is a program aiming for collaboration between research, healthcare and industry in order to create and develop new opportunities to tackle our national diseases with the ultimate goal of improved health and economic growth.
Listen to Peter Nordström, Program Director, SWElife, Lunds University at the information meeting on February 25.
When: February 25 at 11:30 – 13:00
Venue: Lecture hall E306, Svante Arrhenius väg 20C (main entrance Biologihuset (BIG), at Arrheniuslab
Lunch sandwiches will be served!
* Diabetes, cardiac diseases, obesity, tumorogenic diseasis, dementia, psychological unhealth, disease of locomotive organs, asthma, allergy and COPD.
SWElife and Innovation Office at Stockholm University

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