Life science map

Life science map

Interactive map to find companies in the Stockholm-Uppsala region

The Life Science map is a simple and interactive tool with information about companies in the Stockholm-Uppsala region. You can filter by name, sectors (Medtech, Biotech, Pharmaceutical, and Service), and business category (Marketing & Sales, Manufacturing, and Research & Development).

Click here to see the map!


Data is based on previous work from Vinnova and Tillväxtanalys where they mapped Swedish life science. Companies have also been added manually. The information about the companies is obtained from Proff and updated regularly. Stockholm Science City is working on the map together with STUNS Life science. If your company is missing or if you have questions, you are welcome to contact us.

Photo of Y. Vladimir Pabón-Martínez
Y. Vladimir Pabón-Martínez works at Career Service at Karolinska Institutet. He uses the map when talking to students. 

"The life science-map is fantastic!"

"It is an easy, interactive, and comprehensive online tool where stakeholders of the Swedish life science ecosystem can find information about the companies in this part of Sweden. Commonly, PhD students and researchers lack information about companies or organizations where they can work. They are familiar with the companies that provide materials, and companies with logos around the university area or from scientific events, but that's a limited group of companies. The information on this map is relevant, especially for those wanting to work in the industry. I use this map to show how big, robust, and active the life science sector is here."