Ageing with a healthy brain

8 March 14:00 - 8 March 19:00
We would like to invite you to an afternoon at Karolinska Institutet focusing on research and discoveries about ageing with a healthy brain from both business and academia perspectives. You are welcome to participate in a networking event where people from research and business can meet, get inspired and build useful contacts for future joint ventures. Presentations of novel research discoveries ready for commercialisation as well as successful business projects which have reached the market will be interspersed with panel discussions, mingles and informal meetings.
14h00-14h30 Registration & coffee
14h30 Speaker presentations
15h45 Coffee
16h15 Discussion with speakers and panel
17h00-19h00 Networking and mingle in Aula Medica
Key Note Speaker
Palle Høy Jakobsen, PhD & DMSc, Managing Director, Scandinavian CoLocation Center of EIT-Health (European Institute of Technology-Health)
Laura Fratiglioni, Professor and Director at Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet
Sebastian Haesler, Director, NERF (Neuro-Electronics Research Flanders), Leuven
Jonas Olofsson, Associate Professor in Psychology, Stockholm University
Koen De Witte, CEO, ReMynd, Leuven
Arvind Kumar, Assistant Professor Computational Biology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Jonas Ekstrand, CEO, AlzeCure
Gunilla Osswald, CEO, BioArctic Neuroscience
Eugen Steiner, Venture Partner, HealthCap
Gunnar Björkman, Director of Innovation, City of Stockholm
Mohamed Ridouani, Vice Mayor, City of Leuven (tbc)
Viktor Drvota, Chief Investment Officer, Karolinska Development (tbc)
For more information, please see the attached programme. Feel free to send the invitation to anyone interested in the field. Register directly to: no later than March 3. The number of seats is limited.
Organised by Stockholm Academic Forum in co-operation with KU Leuven Research & Development (LRD), Leuven.Inc, and Leuven Mindgate. Stockholm partners:  Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.

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