Powder Technology in Pharma, Food, Chemistry and Metallurgy

9 September 08:00 - 11 September 17:00

There is a multitude of powders used within pharmaceutical, chemical, metallurgical and food industries. The processing and handling of powder also involves a multitude of operations such as production, the size and type of particles, transport, storage, redissolution, powder blending, etc. A clear understanding of the characteristics of powders is required in order to carry out these operations in an optimal manner. Parameters such as particle size distribution, particle shape, interparticulate forces, etc. have a significant impact on the powder properties and the handling of powder.

Aim: The aim of the course is twofold: on the one hand, to provide participants with a better understanding of powder products and processes. On the other hand, to supply participants with tools to stimulate new ideas of development and improvement of powder products and processes. At completion of the course, the participant will have gained a basic understanding of modern powder technology.
Course outline: This is a three day course. Day 1 and 2 will deal with:
Particle properties and physical behavior: measurements and defnitions
Properties of powder: defnitions, important properties, what and how to infuence powder properties
Particle size enlargement: granulation, agglomeration and tabletting
Participants are given a possibility to choose the direction of Day 3, depending on their area of interest.
This provides participants with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific fields and to exchange experience with others from different areas of work.

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