Time to develop apps for "Hälsa för mig"

20 June 14:00 - 20 June 16:00

The Swedish eHealth Agency welcomes app developers to an information meeting about the upcoming service for the society "Hälsa för mig".

The plan is to open Hälsa för mig to citizens during 2016. A lot of work still remains, such as subscriptions on health information from county councils. Welcome to a meeting for app developers where we introduce the service: 
  • How does Hälsa för mig work?
  • What opportunities are there for app developers?
  • Which criteria does the eHealth Agency have to connect apps to Hälsa för mig?
  • How do I test my app?
When: June 20, at 14:00-16:00
Where: Sankt Eriksgatan 117, Stockholm
How: Send name, company and contact details to kommunikation@ehalsomyndigheten.se. Max 100 particpants, first come firts serve and no more than two participants per company/organisation. Confirmation will be sent out one week prior to the seminar. Coffee and tea will be served. Please note that the seminar will be held in Swedish.

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