The recently introduced Circle of Life Science program seeks to promote innovation driven by needs and focused on care by redefining collaboration between innovative companies and healthcare organizations.
The initiative is set to run until 2026, and is spearheaded by Karolinska University Hospital, KI Innovations AB, and Sting, with support from the European Union and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket).
Innovative market dialogue
An important part of Circle of Life Science is the Solution Enabler Program, an innovative initiative facilitating dialogue between companies and Karolinska University Hospital, aims to unlock healthcare's untapped potential. By harnessing the business sector's expertise in recent technologies, services, and ideas, the program addresses the pressing challenges and needs of both patients and healthcare professionals.
Healthcare staff and companies met in an initial dialogue
On May 6th, an inaugural meeting facilitated dialogue among innovative companies, healthcare staff, and the association Sjukhusföräldrar (Hospital Parents) to envision the future for critically ill children. The primary focus for the first proof of concept is the SABH* service, which provides hospital-connected advanced pediatric care at home.

– We in healthcare shared our current situation and the problems we face, and the participating companies began considering how they can make our daily work more efficient and solve our problems. It was fascinating to hear their thoughts as they asked questions, says Ulrika Liliemark, a physician at Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital, which is part of Karolinska.
Following presentations by healthcare staff and parents of critically ill children about their realities and developmental needs, interested companies offered their perspectives and had the opportunity to pose follow-up questions. The meeting attracted 23 companies, with 15 deciding to contribute to an innovation report to guide future development and potential collaborations.
Upcoming market dialogues this fall
Innovative companies with an interest in contributing to the vision of future healthcare are encouraged to participate in the next Solution Enabler Program, scheduled for this fall. This session will spotlight different areas within healthcare. Stay tuned!
For more details on Circle of Life Science and contact information (in Swedish), visit: Samverkan med innovativa företag ska främja vårdnära innovation ( >>
Text by Erika Bellander, Innovation and Communications Manager,
National and International Affairs, External Relations,
Karolinska University Hospital >>
*SABH: Sjukhusansluten Avancerad Barnsjukvård i Hemmet (meaning hospital-connected advanced pediatric care at home)