Webinar online: Sharing data with digital health tools

Digital services are generating increasing amounts of data about the user's health and lifestyle. This data can be of great benefit to the individual using the service, but also to caregivers. Similarly, data generated within healthcare can be useful for individuals. So how can this data be shared and who is responsible for the data? Below is a recording from the webinar that was held on June 8.


  • Jakob Dumky, founder, Noncomplicity
  • Patrik Sundström, Head of Digitalisation, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR)
  • Andreas Hager, Grundare och VD, Genia Upstream Dream. Advisor patient collaboration, The New Therapies Council (NT-rådet)

Moderator: Andreas Namslauer, Stockholm Science City. 

Below is a recording from the webinar that was held on June 8 and a new report by David Dumky.