“Why innovation districts matter”

A summit that brings together over 200 brilliant minds to discuss how innovation districts contribute to growth and attraction. It’s the summit “Navigating the Future of Innovation Districts”, where experiences and ideas will be shared to reach a new level for innovation districts.  

Healthy longevity, precision medicine and next-generation therapeutics

This report aims to give an overview of some of the current, important advances within life science that were highlighted during the symposium "The Future of Life Science: Healthy Longevity, Next-generation Therapeutics, and Precision Health". The report focuses on key topics which highlight the status, immediate challenges and possibilities for the future. At the end of the document, there are reflections on the key drivers for investments in research and development within life science.

"We have to choose the right path in Life Science"

JENNI NORDBORG: I am hardly exaggerating when I claim that right now, the future of Stockholm, Sweden, and Europe in Life Science is at stake. We have to get EU governments and Brussels bureaucrats to choose the right path – the one that leads to increased companies' research investments, new medicines being researched and developed within the EU, and Life Science clusters like the one we have in Stockholm continuing to develop.

Results from FOKUS Patients' survey

FOKUS Patient® is a meeting place for discussing healthcare issues and life science. In March, for the third time, they surveyed the patient and disability movement in Sweden. The questions concerned information, organization, finance, communication and education-knowledge. 

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