Artificial Intelligence and its applications in health - a data driven revolution. Seminar #4

16 November 08:00 - 16 November 10:00

During 2017, Stockholm Science City and STING arrange a seminar series on artificial intelligence and its applications in health. We highlight this area to show what it can mean for you and your business.

At the fourth seminar on the 16th of November we will try to look into the future with some prominent guests in the area of AI and life science. The seminar is in Swedish.
On stage
Henrik Ahlén - service developer in eHealth, Kentor/Sopra Steria tjänsteutveckling (moderator)
Mikael Huss - bioinformatician and AI-developer, IBM and SciLifeLab
Patrik Sobocki - investor manager, Industrifonden
Arto Järvinen - R&D Director, Contextvision
Sara Lei - Physician, Karolinska University Hospital 
Time: 16 November 2017, 08:30-10.00 (breakfast from 08:00)
Place: H2 Health Hub, Hälsingegatan 45 Stockholm



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