Program 2024

Engelsberg Ironwork, May 23-24 2024

At Future of Life Science 2024, the discussions will revolve around creeping crises related to health and how research and development within life science can help us handle such crises.

Several global challenges, including increasing antimicrobial resistance, age-related neurodegenerative diseases and decreasing biodiversity, are slowly elevating the threats to our societies:

  • How could we act upon creeping crises to avoid acute disasters?
  • What proceedings within life science can help us handle these threats?
  • How are the challenges of antimicrobial resistance tackled from scientific, economic, and political perspectives? 
  • How is the burden of Alzheimer’s disease affecting our society, and what can we expect in terms of new treatments, diagnostics, and preventive measures? 
  • What are the roles of scientists, companies, policymakers, and politicians in handling health-related creeping crises?  

On this link, you find the program and speaker's biographies >>




Thursday May 23

09:00: Bus from central Stockholm to Engelsberg Ironworks

The bus departs from Biblioteksgatan 27 at 9:30.


12:00: Lunch at Engelsberg Ironworks


13:00: Session one

Welcome and opening of the symposium

  • Stefan Stern. Senior Advisor, Nordstjernan. Board member at Stockholm Science City Foundation.
  • Johan Christenson. Partner, HealthCap. Chairman of the Board at Stockholm Science City Foundation.

Introduction to creeping crises and different perspectives on handling global health challenges

  • Magnus Ekengren. Professor, Department of Political Science and Law, Swedish Defence University.
  • Carl Johan Sundberg. Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet.
  • Susan Michie. Professor of Health Psychology, University College London.


14:45: Pause


15:30: Session two

Antimicrobial resistance – the science, the business, and the governance

  • Olivier Rubin. Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Business Globalization and Europeanization, Roskilde University. Editor of the book: Steering Against Superbugs: The Global Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance.
  • Fredrik Almqvist. Professor of Organic Chemistry, Umeå University.
  • Eva Garmendia. Project Coordinator, Uppsala Antibiotic Center, Uppsala University.
  • Nina Rawal. Partner and Co-Head of Impact Ventures, Trill Impact.

Fireside chat: Experiences from national crisis management and what we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Maja Fjaestad. Expert coordinator for policy and preparedness at the Centre for Health Crises, Karolinska Institutet. Associate professor from KTH. Senior adviser to the European Policy Center in Brussels. Former State Secretary for the Swedish Minister for Health and Social Affairs, Lena Hallengren.


19:00: Dinner


Friday May 24


08:30: Session three

The challenges and opportunities of handling Alzheimer’s disease and other types on dementia – new treatments, prevention, and socioeconomic considerations

  • Stina Syvänen. Professor at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University.
  • Francesca Mangialasche. Assistant Professor at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet.
  • Linus Jönsson. Professor at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet.
  • Cecilia Lundberg. Professor, CNS Gene Therapy, Lund University. Chairperson of the scientific board at The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden).


10:00: Pause


10:30: Session four

How to act upon creeping crises

  • Staffan Svärd. Deputy Vice-Rector, Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University. Director of the Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness program, SciLifeLab.
  • Fredrik Söder. CEO and founder, Health Integrator.
  • Magnus Björsne. Head of AstraZeneca BioVenture Innovation Unit.
  • Petra Noreback. State Secretary to Jakob Forssmed, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Swedish Government.  


Summary and Future Perspectives

  • Johan Christenson. Partner, HealthCap. Chairman of the Board at Stockholm Science City Foundation.


12:00: Lunch at Engelsberg Ironworks


13:00: Bus back to central Stockholm


The bus arrives at Biblioteksgatan 27 at approximately 15:30.

Stockholm Science City Foundation is arranging the symposium in collaboration with Nordstjernan.

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