"In Flemingsberg, we cure diseases that were previously considered incurable"

JOHNNY HÖGBERG: ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) has proven to be a revolution in healthcare by offering remedies for diseases that were previously considered incurable. Flemingsberg has been a pioneer in the field of ATMP since 1996, thanks to Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge, one of Europe's largest hospitals, and Karolinska Institutet. Their collaboration creates a medical center with a high international reputation and continues to drive innovation in advanced therapies.

Johan Christenson is the Foundation's new Chairman of the Board

We are delighted to announce that since March 12, 2024, Johan Christenson is Chairman of the Board for Stockholm Science City Foundation. With solid experience and expertise in the life science sector, Johan will play a decisive role in driving our work forward.


“Our mission – to discover, develop and deliver safe, efficacious and affordable vaccines to most vulnerable populations”

The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) launched its regional office in Stockholm in 2022. In this relatively brief period, IVI has significantly expanded its footprint within the Swedish and European life science sectors. IVI's Regional office director, Dr. Anh Wartel, tells us about the journey IVI has taken so far to succeed with its mission of promoting vaccines for a safer future and how it engages with the Swedish organization's life science partners to make it possible.

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