From patient to patent and back - create value in the patent portfolio through the different phases of drug development


The protection of intellectual property is the cornerstone in the development of new medicines. Throughout clinical development, discoveries emerge that can often be protected in various ways, such as patent protection, SPC, regulatory protection, and data protection. How can you work strategically and integrate clinical studies and IP protection?

Great turnout at Hesa-Fredrik AW

A lot more people than expected – the life science community in the Stockholm region really appreciates networking and meeting across sectoral boundaries! 

Her research will show how societal changes affect people

Health inequalities, with a particular focus on the importance of childhood living conditions for the possibilities of a long and healthy life. This is what Ylva B Almquist's research is primarily about. 

"Together we enable research in the future"

SciLifeLab's knowledge and expertise are reflected by SciLifeLab Training and supported by the Training Hub to enable lifelong learning. The key to a long-term, sustainable, national infrastructure that contributes to high-quality Swedish-based research of international rank, is science-focused and research-complementary knowledge.

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