The Park Forskaren: A new Life-Science hub

The Park is a co-working space with nearly 2000 members and four offices in Stockholm. At the turn of the year, they will open the doors to The Park Forskaren, welcoming both large and small life science companies. In addition to office space, they will also drive the community within the building by organizing events such as breakfast seminars, after-work gatherings, and other activities that promote networking.

BIO-Europe in Stockholm - preparations are in full swing

BIO-Europe is Europe's most important meeting place for investments in biotech and pharma. In Munich on November 6-8, the fair was filled with scientific presentations, booth exhibitions, and pitch opportunities for young innovators in Startup Slam.

NLSDays set a new visitor record

What a hit, says SwedenBIO's Jessica Martinsson, and highlights the importance of all the spontaneous meetings and the appreciated pitch competition. She thinks the quality of the stage program, the exhibition, and the partnering opportunities are equally important. Here, she and some visitors tell us what they thought of NLSDays 2023.

Prevention that saves money and reduces suffering

With the help of its health platform, Health Integrator works preventively and helps people achieve better health. The goal is to identify and help individuals at risk of diseases related to lifestyle and metabolic diseases, which account for 80% of healthcare costs.

"SciLifeLab is fantastic for this type of research"

Mats Nilsson is a Professor at Stockholm University, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and he works at SciLifeLab. The research that he and his research group are conducting focuses on the development of tools for molecular analysis, mainly linked to cancer diagnostics.

How to fill a glass - attracting and retaining talent

JENNIE EKBECK: We all strive to have our skills glasses full in the business world. Managers and recruiters constantly seek individuals with skills for each position. But what happens when the glass is already filled to the brim? If individuals reach their full potential and are not given opportunities to develop, they will look for it elsewhere. The solution is to recruit "half-full glasses" instead – a strategy that promotes development, reduces the organization's vulnerability, and enables growth. 

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